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Learning is the first function in the definition of leadership, and it is the only one that belongs solely to us. We alone are responsible for our learning. Redefining leadership means that we replace the unconscious, undirected learning approach of nearly all leaders with a directed, focused process that improves our leadership practice and expands the range of situations in which we create group excellence. 


ReDefine offers a range of tools to develop your functional leadership, to meet the individual realities of your learning environment and preferences. We need new ideas to turn into behaviors, and we need regular reminders to pay attention to our leadership practice. The steps below outline this general structure. We also update with new information, ideas, seeing exercises, and reviews every few days, so make a plan to come back. There are always opportunities to learn, but if we choose to stop learning then we choose to stop growing. 

Learning the Functional Approach to Leadership

Start with The Basics, an introduction to functional leadership. 

Then, explore ways to apply functional leadership by following one of our regular sources:


When you want to find something specific, look at our structured resources:

2. Get in-depth.

Once you see the benefit of the functional approach, get serious. Start studying the material. We make this easy with a weekly Substack newsletter that contains everything you need to know.  

Then, transform your learning by doing it with others. Join a Leading Others Forum on
Reddit or in person/online. And don't forget to revisit the SEEING EXERCISES

This is not a book report. You need to participate to get excellent. 

When you're ready to take the plunge, let us make it easy for you.

For individuals, start by reading
Redefining Leadership. Once you've read the book, take one of our in-person or online classes. We teach you everything you need. If you want individual attention, get personal advice through our unique approach to coaching. Contact us for more information.
For organizations, let us us assess and assist your organization's creation of leaders. This starts when you
contact us.   


1. Learn each day. 

3. Go pro.

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Redefine Leadership® is registered trademark of Redefine, Inc.

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